Behind the glitz, glamour, makeup and questions to become Miss Tennessee USA, there is a drive for contestants and organizers alike to do more than the title itself.
For them, they want to be and look their best for someone else, back home, in the places they came to Clarksville for, and where they will return.
"I was born here. My dad served 20 years at Fort Campbell, so I'm excited to represent Montgomery County," said Miss Montgomery County Lanial Madden, 26, as she networked Thursday with other contestants from across the state at the Riverview Inn on the banks of the Cumberland River.
The weekend pageant is one of the biggest in the state, parallel to the Miss Tennessee pageant, which decides the winner to compete for Miss America. Miss Tennessee USA will compete for Miss USA, and that winner will compete for Miss Universe.
“I used to do glitz pageants when I was younger, but they were nothing like this," said Miss Teen Montgomery County Cambree Reed, 16. "I was a nervous wreck this morning, but rehearsals have been great, all the girls are so nice and so pretty."
Miss Tennessee 2016 Hope Stephens said her reign as Miss Tennessee USA has been "a whirlwind."
"I've done a lot of traveling. I was only home for one week this past month. The rest of the time I was in Atlanta, Chicago and Dallas trying to represent the crown," she said.

More than a crown

Stephens, 20, is still pursuing a degree at Tennessee Tech. Like most other contestants, she hopes the pageant is a launch point for her career.
"When I grow up I want to be a nephrologist," Reed said. "Competing here is just a way for me to better my communication skills and get out there and try something new."
Kim Greenwood, executive director of Miss Tennessee USA & Miss Tennessee Teen USA, said the scholarships awarded to the winning contestants are a big draw, but the appeal is different for everyone.
"This affords these girls a lot of different opportunities," Greenwood said. "Everyone has their own set of goals. We just encourage everyone to push themselves mentally, spiritually and physically, to be their best."
Greenwood pointed to Rachel Smith, who won Miss USA and competed for Miss Universe, as an example of success for previous contestants and the potential they have to become what they want.
"Now you can see her on 'Good Morning America' and all sorts of other shows. This really helped to open a lot of doors for her,” Greenwood said.
The contestants also forge bonds that last lifetimes, according to Charlsie Hand, owner of the Riverview Inn.
"They form bonds and friendships while they're here," Hand said. "They have roommates and decorate their doors. It's just fun."

Economic driver

For Clarksville, the host city, it's a powerful promotional tool and economic driver.
Clarksville has hosted the event for 18 years, and the event is expected to draw more than 1,000 people and 86 contestants to the area for the two-day event.
Economic impact is estimated at $1 million or more when hotel rooms, meals, etc. are factored in for the contestants and their families.
"We're the fifth largest city in the state and we have to tell everybody,” said Theresa Harrington, executive director of the Clarksville-Montgomery Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Hand has hosted the contestants for many years.
"Every dollar that comes into the hotel business is a clean dollar that's not taxed locally. Everybody benefits — restaurants, hotels, the mall, gas stations," she said.
"They are escorted to different sites around the city for activities, so they get to see the best of what Clarksville has to offer.”