quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2016

Miss Nevada title won with genuine approach

If Minden resident Bailey Gumm was a gambler she’d go all in on anything that included the number four, from now on.
The 2013 Douglas High School graduate was crowned Miss Nevada Saturday in Las Vegas during her fourth trip to the competition.
The next step is representing the state of Nevada at the 96th Miss America pageant Sept. 11 in Atlantic City, N.J.
“This was my fourth try for the title,” Bailey, 20, said. “They said the third time is the charm, but third time the charm didn’t work out for me. The fourth time is my charm and I’ll take it.”
Competing in the pageant as Miss Pleasant Valley, Bailey has also taken to the Miss Nevada stage as Miss Douglas County, Miss Northern Counties and Miss Truckee Meadows.
Going into Saturday’s contest, Bailey focused not on perfecting her tap routine or interview poise, but rather her emotional prescence.
“I didn’t do anything different when it came to the preparation for my pageant. It was the mindset I went into it with,” she said. “Everyone around me was telling me to be myself. It seems like a cliche, but it is harder to do then it sounds. I adopted a feeling that I was enough of a person, and win or lose I’d be happy with job that I did. I was fortunate enough to win when I went out there just to be myself.”
Bailey competed in a private interview with the judges, on-stage swimsuit, talent, evening gown and on-stage question, to earn her the sash and crown.
The same segments will be part of the Miss America competition.
“I am very grateful and I am excited, I am living my dream,” Bailey said. “I get to represent my home state as Miss Nevada. I have dreamt of this my whole life, and that just warms my heart. I can’t think of anything else that I’d rather do with my life, this is my dream job. The experience is, so far, everything I could ever imagine, and it has only been a few days.”
If taking home a long awaited dream title wasn’t enough Bailey was also awarded Miss America Community Service for her work with the autism community.
“That award is very personal and special to me because my brother is the inspiration for my platform and community work,” she said.
Sharing the stage with Bailey the day she was crowned Miss Nevada was her little sister Carli.
Carli, a sophomore at Douglas High School, was first runner up in the teen division, also winning the physical fitness award as well as the shining star award.
“They announced the teen runner-ups and winners first, so I was standing on stage when they announced her name,” Bailey said. “I’m so excited for her, she worked so hard. She cares for other people more than herself. She has a heart of gold. I was so proud of her to get that placement and to share that stage with her as she got that placement was so special. They announced my title after hers. To have her there when they announced my name was so special.This is a dream come true experience of winning this title I’ve been wanting for so long. It is something I can’t describe. They called my name out and I just cried. I’ve been waiting for that moment. I feel so blessed to have won the title. It is something I’ve worked so hard for.”
Bailey is currently living in Las Vegas to prepare for Miss America.
Preparation for the national title has been a positive experience so far, she said.
“Miss America is the next level,” Bailey said. “It is a national stage, it is televised and I am there on behalf of my state. I am really excited to prepare for this next level. I am having a lot fo fun. It is a lot of hard work, but being on the Miss America stage will be worth every bit of it.”
The Miss America organization as well as the Miss Nevada organzation provide the winners of the competitions with prize scholarships, something Bailey said most people don’t know.
Her win at the Miss Nevada pageant earned Bailey not only the coveted title, but also a $10,000 scholarship to any institution in the U.S. or a full ride to either University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or Nevada State College.
“We’re not winning prize money like a lot of people think,” she said. “We’re winning college scholarships. I will graduate with my undergraduate without any college debt. That is a huge prize within itself. These organizations make higher education possible in your life. Funding college is hard, and I get to fund college through something I love.”
Althought Bailey will be representing the entire state of Nevada, she credited Douglas County for her most recent pageant title.
She said she will return home from Vegas after the pageant.
“I have been doing this for so long and every time the town and the people have always supported me,” she said. “I am happy to not only represent Nevada, but Douglas County specifically because everyone who has loved me and blessed me are there. This is just as much the town’s win as mine. I always say it takes a village, and there is no way I could have done this by myself.”

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