terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2016

LDS woman crowned Miss New Zealand Tourism International

Published: Monday, June 13 2016 3:20 p.m. MDT
Updated: 9 hours ago
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Ariel Pearse competes in the Miss World New Zealand pageant.
Ariel Pearse, a returned LDS missionary, was crowned Miss New Zealand Tourism International during the 2016 Miss World New Zealand pageant held on June 4.
Pearse was one of six finalists for Miss World New Zealand, the main title awarded in the pageant, and was the only one of the pageant’s top six contestants who was not already a pageant title-holder. As Miss New Zealand Tourism International, she will compete in Malaysia at the end of the year in a pageant in which about 70 countries will be represented.
In an interview with the Deseret News following the pageant, Pearse, a college student studying entrepreneurship through Ducere Business School, said she is grateful for the experience, which she says she will share with her future family.
“I will tell them to take every opportunity you can to grow,” Pearse said. “There is always something you can learn that will give you a rich life because if I hadn’t done it, I would still be really happy, but I wouldn’t have met the people I got to meet here, seeing things about my own family history that I wouldn’t have been able to see.”
In the final segment of the pageant, the contestants had the opportunity to answer questions. They were asked a question, and then from an envelope they were assigned the perspective from which the question should be answered. Pearse does not think it was coincidence that she chose the envelope inviting her to answer her question from a religious perspective.
Pearse was assigned to answer the following question: “Given that it’s impossible to save all the world’s poor children and given that you have the opportunity to work with an organization or an individual to save the most, who would it be and why?”
Her answer: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“I said, ‘From my own personal witness, I know that this organization saves lives, not just children but their families and their communities.’ And I invited everyone that was in that room to look outside themselves and to recognize someone who is in more desperate need than their own that they can help right now,” Pearse said. “And I said that is my mission or vision in the pageant, throughout the rest of the year at least with what I’m doing, to inspire people to want to look outside themselves.
“And then I bore witness to what will come if they did, which is they will receive an appreciation for life and a richness that exceeds any monetary prize that you could ever receive in this life.”
Read more about Ariel Pearse and how her time as a missionary helped her as a pageant finalist.

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