North Augusta's Megan Gordon will have the opportunity to realize a lifelong dream in the coming weeks.
Gordon will be competing for the title of Miss USA on May 14 in Las Vegas. In November 2016, she was crowned Miss South Carolina USA, giving her the opportunity to represent her home state on the national stage.  
"It's kind of surreal to say that I'm Miss South Carolina USA. It's definitely a dream come true, and it's so important to me to show the youth in my community and the state and the nation that you can do whatever it is you want to do. It's achievable, it's realistic, it can become your reality if you're willing to work and have the faith," said Gordon. "That's been my message with Miss South Carolina, and I'm excited to head to Miss USA and spread that on a national level."
Gordon's first place finish in Miss South Carolina USA last fall was the second consecutive year she was in the competition, following a first runner-up finish in 2015.  
"I competed for this title last year, and I did not win. I received first runner-up, but working just as hard and not getting it is very humbling, and it's a character builder as they like to say," she said. "It taught me so much in that moment that you can work hard and you can do just as much and still not win and that doesn't mean that you're not a winner, there's a difference. So I think my main message has been to inspire people to not give up on yourself and not give up on your dreams, especially our youth."
Gordon added that being crowned Miss South Carolina USA was a dream come true for her. 
"In one moment I was told that all of your hard work, all of your dreams have come true and you are the representative from South Carolina, you are going to Miss USA, like this is happening, so it's hard to put it into words, but that's kind of what it felt like to get something that you dreamed of since – I want to say I was 9 years old when I first saw the Miss USA pageant, and I really knew then I wanted to do it," Gordon said. "It's surreal, indescribable, words would never be able to justify how it felt but an amazing moment for sure, and since November until now has been incredible preparation for Miss USA."
Gordon said that since she was crowned Miss South Carolina USA she's toured the state and other parts of the country. She also graduated with a degree in Nursing from Armstrong State University in Savannah, Georgia in December.
She added that growing up in North Augusta has helped shape who she is today and has played a big part in helping her to accomplish her goals and dreams.
"It keeps me so humble ... being from a small town is so humbling and coming from those humble beginnings and having a family that won't let you get a big head is very needed, I think, in this position," said Gordon. "North Augusta is like a family. It's so small knit and you know everyone and especially going to high school here, it's really just been so much support and that's been awesome; and aside from keeping me humble and grounded, I have gotten so much support and received a lot of outpouring of well wishes. North Augusta has been so supportive, and it's great growing up here in a small town."
Gordon said her mindset throughout her time in Las Vegas will be to remain true to herself and represent South Carolina and North Augusta to the best of her ability.  
"It's easy to lose yourself or to think, 'What am I doing here? I'm just a small-town girl from South Carolina, what am I doing here?' But if you know your purpose and how God sees you, which is beautifully made and amazing, then you go there with a different confidence," she said. "It's a quiet confidence, but it's a confidence, and I'm excited to go there with that and not lose myself in the process of being surrounded by beautiful, beautiful girls."
Gordon also said she realizes the outreach and influence she now has with her position as Miss South Carolina USA and wants to help give back to the youth in her community and around the state and country.  
"My main message is to empower our youth, to instill in them the confidence, the care, the class that you need to get to the next level in life," she said, adding "And I have gone through struggles; my life has not been this silver platter that I may appear to be. I don't look like what all I've been through, but that's a good thing and that's the beauty of having a relationship with God, is that he can bring you through anything and make you into whatever you want to be; just hold on to that and know that it's possible."
The Miss USA competition will air May 14 at 8 p.m. Eastern on FOX.