Going to Miss USA Pageant From a Guy's Perspective
46 minutes ago
thedailyroto47 in fashion
A Guy's Review of the Miss USA Pageant in Vegas
So about two weeks ago I attended the Miss USA Pageant in Las Vegas, and I thought I’d write about my experience as a guy.
First things first, my girlfriend is a pageant girl herself and that’s the reason I went.
So for those of you whose first thought is “all guys go to pageants because they are perverts” you’re wrong!
Now I’ll admit that I wasn’t that excited to go but at the end of the day it was a pretty cool experience.
The first thing I noticed when the girls came out is that I’m getting old!

I’m 35 and was a good 10-15 years older than all the girls on the stage which was kind of weird to me for some reason. So yeah, I wasn’t really feeling the “all the girls are so hot” thing like most people would think.
Second of all, I hate to say this girls, but being a size zero is not attractive at all!
Now I can’t say that all the girls are that skinny but it’s just not a good look, and I felt like most of the girls on stage weren’t the “hottest” girls I’ve ever seen in person.

But I will say this girls, be careful when taking your boyfriends or husbands to events like these because I felt like there were hotter girls in the audience walking around as opposed to on the stage competing.
I wasn’t aware that pageant girls are in this type of sisterhood, and they all dress really nice for events like this and you will see a lot of girls (like my girlfriend) wearing their sash to represent the pageant they are competing in or have competed in.
As far as the guys in attendance, I’d say it was a mix of boyfriends and husbands that were in similar situations as me or gay guys who just loved pageants for some reason.
I actually sat next to a guy who drove from LA by himself because this was a bucket list event for him.
He and my girlfriend had a great time and I was constantly checking baseball scores and playing bejeweled blitz on my phone because I wasn’t that fascinated by girls walking around in evening gowns and swimming suits.
But hey, just because I don’t get the fashion world doesn’t mean it’s not out there, and this was a huge event for them.
I heard it was the first year that they turned this three-hour event into a two-hour event. This was perfect for me because I’m not sure I could have mustered up that third hour if it was there.

Pitbull came out and did his thing and Brett Aldridge sang a boring song, and that was about it for the entertainment value.
I’m not sure who the MC’s were but they were lame, and I find it funny that people laugh at bad jokes the way they do.
They weren’t funny but it didn’t stop them from trying!

As far as the actual pageant goes, the interview felt like I was watching some politician speak.
All the girls did their best to be as PC as they could and not offend people and somehow managed answer every question with how they would make the world a better place.
The only thing that drew my attention in the swim wear part is Miss Alaska must swim upstream and catch her own salmon!
I don’t think she knows what sugar or carbs are either.
She was ripped out of her mind and I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone is such great shape.

In conclusion, I wouldn’t go again on my own but have a feeling I’ll be going again thanks to my girlfriend.
It wasn’t my favorite, but it was worth going one time to say that I did.
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