quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2016

Miss America Organization announces four new scholarships

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Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:30 pm
The Miss America Organization has announced the creation of four new scholarships for women who are not a current contestant in the pageant.
One scholarship is for a former Miss America winner who wants to go back to school long after they’ve completed their reign. The other three are for women who have never competed in the Miss America pageant, but “who embody the program’s spirit of service and community.”
This is the first time in the organization’s 96 year history that scholarships will be available to women not participating in the competitions.
No details were immediately provided about how women can apply or win the scholarships. http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/missamerica/miss-america-organization-announces-four-new-scholarships/article_f1034f88-492a-11e6-8e4d-fbbe3e0352d4.html

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