segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2016

Cameron Smith crowned Miss Virginia

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Posted: Sunday, July 3, 2016 2:57 pm
BRISTOL, Va. — Heels, hairspray, spray tans, a gorgeous gown, and a pretty face.
That’s the connotation most people think about when you mention the word pageant.
Bristol native and the reigning Miss Apple Blossom Festival, Cameron Smith, said competing is so much more than just that.
The 20 year-old is a junior elementary education major at King University in Bristol, Tennessee, and a 2014 alumna of John S. Battle High School, Bristol, Virginia. Smith returned home to Bristol on last Sunday after being selected as a top 11 semi-finalist during Saturday night’s Miss Virginia Pageant in Roanoke.
“It was an honor to be named into the top 11,” Smith said. “Anyone of the other 26 girls that were standing on that stage would have represented the organization with grace and class.”
The week started off last Sunday when contestants arrived at the Hotel Roanoke. Between photo shoots, rehearsals, private interviews, and competition, the week was long, but fun.
“I’m not going to lie, my feet hurt,” Smith laughed. “It’s an exhausting week, but you’re constantly running on adrenaline throughout the entire week.”
Smith is no stranger to pageants, having competed in both the Miss Virginia Outstanding Preteen and Teen competitions before transitioning into the Miss division last year.
“I can confidently say that this organization has made me who I am today,” Smith said. “I’m grateful for the Bristol community. To think that I got my start right here is something special.”
The Miss Virginia competition kicks off with the 10 minute private interview with the judges.
“I’ve always enjoyed my interviews with the judges,” Smith said. “It might only be for 10 minutes, but I feel like it gives them enough time to get to know who you are, where you’ve come from, what your story is, and to learn more about your personal platform.”
Every contestant in the Miss America Organization is required to have a personal platform, something that they’re passionate about. Smith’s platform takes on a personal connection.
“My platform is entitled Lexie’s Legacy: Saving Lives Through Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals,” Smith said. “Lexie was my sister who passed away at the age of three after several lung transplants. It’s so important to give back to the organization that helped my family by raising funds and being an advocate.”
After that private interview, the on stage competitions begin. Smith competed in talent, swimsuit, evening gown, and on stage question before being named into the top 11.
“I’ve always enjoyed talent and that’s something that sets the organization apart,” Smith said. “Last year at Miss Virginia, I sang ‘House of the Rising Sun,’ which was unique. I knew I wanted that same experience again, so I sang ‘California Dreamin’.”
Prep work for the pageant starts months before the contestants arrive in Roanoke. Smith won Miss Apple Blossom Festival in January and spent a lot of time perfecting everything.
“Winning Miss Apple Blossom Festival was incredible,” Smith said. “One duty of the reigning Miss Apple Blossom Festival is to attend the weeklong festival in Winchester. I got the chance to meet so many people and share my platform and Miss Virginia journey.”
Smith confidently said she wouldn’t have changed a thing about how she competed.
“I don’t look at it as competing against 26 other girls,” Smith said. “I look at it as competing against myself and at the end of the day that’s all you can do.”
The Miss America crown has four points. Each one represents a different area of the organization, including: style, service, success and scholarship.
“Combined between Miss Apple Blossom Festival and at Miss Virginia, I’ve won $3,700 in scholarship money just this year alone,” Smith said. “It’s an incredible feeling to know that the money you’ve earned will go to further your education.”
When asked what’s next, Smith laughed and said she’s looking forward to unwinding before school picks back up in August.
“I’m so excited for the beach and to unwind for a bit,” Smith laughed. “I had a blast last week in Roanoke competing for Miss Virginia. I’m looking forward to continuing my education at King, living here in Bristol, and being the best version of myself that I can be.”
As far as competing again for Miss Virginia, Smith said she’s keeping that door open.
“I would love to be able to compete again on that stage in Roanoke,” Smith said, “We’ll just have to wait and see what happens and where life takes me.”

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