segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2016

Ex-Miss Universe to meet with domestic workers in downtown Miami

Alicia Machado to headline event at Miami-Dade College

By Andrea Torres - Digital Reporter/Producer
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MIAMI - When former Miss Universe Alicia Machado said Donald Trump called her "Miss Housekeeping" she said she was outraged. 
The Venezuelan actress has also accused Trump of pressuring her to lose weight -- to the point of developing an eating disorder. 
"I worked with this man, for this man for a year out of my life that I don't wish upon my worst enemy," Machado said during an interview in Spanish last year, where she described him as a "racist." 
With the upcoming elections, Machado was campaigning against him. She wants domestic workers to organize. She plans to meet with hundreds July 23rd in downtown Miami.
"Because we are all mothers, nannies, cooks, caretakers and workers," Machado said in a statement.  "We are the strength of the whole country and the family nucleus."
The Miami Workers Center, a nonpartisan nonprofit affiliated with the National Domestic Worker's Alliance, and The Florida New Majority Education Fund were organizing the event.  They were asking housekeepers, nannies, workers who clean houses and offices or businesses, cook or provide care for the elderly to attend. 
"They are a vulnerable population subjected to many abuses," MWC executive director Marcia Olivo said. 
The event starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m. at the Miami-Dade College's Wolfson Campus, 300 NE 2nd Ave., in downtown Miami. To register to attend, send a text message to 313131, or visit this website

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